Monday, May 25, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Essay - 1698 Words
In recent years, companies are becoming socially responsible and now stakeholders almost expect a company to have CSR policies. Therefore, in twentieth century, corporate social responsibility (CSR) became an important development in public life (Barnett, ND).Corporate social responsibility is defined as â€Å"the ways in which an organisation exceeds the minimum obligations to stakeholders specified through regulation and corporate governance†(Johnson, Schools and Whittington, N.D cited in March, 2012). Stakeholders can be defined as â€Å"those individuals or groups who depend on the organisation to fulfil their own goals and on whom, in turn, the organisation depends†(Johnson, Schools and Whittington, N.D cited in March, 2012). There are many†¦show more content†¦Also, the corporation should not put their customers into danger which lead to legal obligation in some countries (Johnson, Schools and Whittington, N.D cited in March, 2012). Starbucks is one of the examples of a company which has corporate social responsibility policies regarding its stakeholders. Starbucks is an international coffee company with 13,100 branches in 40 countries around the world since 1971. Their products are coffee, tea, beverages and baked food (Harris, ND).According to Article13 (2002) Starbucks started to be corporate social responsibility to make their brand to be recognized and respected around the world. To achieve their goal, Starbucks leads to expand their retails around the world and introduce new product. In 2001, Starbucks created a production supply chain for coffee. Starbucks also donate cash and product for other organizations. As a result, they are trying to make their reputation more respected. The first primary stakeholder is the environment. There are several factors which might have some impacts on the environment. Firstly, Starbucks depends on the agricultural products, such as coffee and beans. The corporation believes that it is important to keep the environment safe, clean and under protection (Brad S, 2012). However, according to (Sheri, 2009), Starbucks use 58 billion of paper cups every year; only 3 billion of their cups are non recyclable and thrownShow MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility773 Words  | 4 PagesCorporate social responsibility may also be referred to as corporate citizenship and can involve spending finances that do not directly benefit the company but rather advocate positive social and environmental change. The soul in the next economy forum presentation made it evident that achieving corporate social responsibly in a company can reap major benefits in terms of finances, more inspiring workplace and customer s atisfaction. In the past, companies mistakenly thought that corporate socialRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility1990 Words  | 8 PagesCorporate social responsibility is becoming a key initiative and an essential tool in the growth of multinational corporations and the development of third world countries throughout the globe. The two concepts can work hand in hand to provide benefits for all; however difficulties in regulating and implementing corporate social responsibility need to be overcome before effective changes can be made. Definitions of corporate social responsibility can be somewhat varied depending on the perceptionRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility1904 Words  | 8 PagesCorporate Social Responsibility The different aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been the topic of considerable debate since the last decades of the twentieth century. Main factor for the increased interest on the part of stakeholders in this topic are the increased public awareness and interest in the corporate social responsibility following the Information Revolution. This essay will assess the dangers and benefits of the business ethics for most of the stakeholders – employeesRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2819 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction For the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thought of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got toRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibilities2100 Words  | 9 PagesSustainability requires monitoring and managing all the person to ensure that our economy and society can continue to exist without destroying the social and natural environment during development. The sustainability includes three pillars, which are economic, social and environment, forming a triple bottom line. The triple bottom line demands that a company s responsibility lies with stakeholder rather than shareholder. The stake holder is a party who can be affected or affect by the action of the company suchRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility15903 Words  | 64 PagesCORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) is a term describing a company’s obligation to be accountable to all of its stakeholder in all its operation and activities. Socially responsible companies consider the full scope of their impact on communities and the environment when making decisions, balancing the needs of stakeholder with their need to make profit. A company’s stakeholders are all those who are influenced by and can influence a company’s decisions and action, both locally and globally. BusinessRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility3253 Words  | 14 PagesLiving Dangerously in Two Worlds In my paper I will be discussing the topics related to corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, and responsible business) is a concept whereby organizations consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their activities on customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders, communities and other stakeholders, as well as the environment. This obligationRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2819 Words  | 12 PagesIntroduction For the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thought of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got toRead MoreCorporate Social Responsibility : Corporate Responsibility2818 Words  | 12 PagesFor the past years, corporate social responsibility also referred, as corporate conscience has been a respected subject for discussion. Corporate social responsibility, unquestionably, contains more viewpoint than simply worried about the ecological impacts of associations. It came in people groups mind at the later 1880, time of essential modern advancement that associations ought to think about the thou ght of social obligation. Associations that are near to social obligation issues got to be worryRead MoreCorporate Responsibility And Corporate Social Responsibility Essay1867 Words  | 8 PagesStevan Jakovljevic Professor Laud MGT 3550 Values, Ethics and Sustainability 10/18/16 Chapter 3: Define corporate responsibility (CSR). Describe the benefits. Why do some executives support CSR while others find it troublesome and argue against it? Corporate social responsibility is what a company uses to self-regulate itself and refers to business practices involving initiatives that benefit society. A business’s CSR can encompass a wide variety of tactics, from giving away a portion of a company’s
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Argumentative Essay About Drugs and Pregnant Women
Why are babies, who are born to drug-addicted mothers, more likely to abuse drugs as teens and how can this be prevented? Introduction The term ‘Mothering’ is a manifestation of all the best practices constituted in the well being of a child. The way mothers perform this behavior is largely influenced by the social norms, rituals and myths. Then, the outcome of Mothering is an amalgamation of social, economic and political influences reflected in the character of a child. Hence mothers should be really concerned about how they raise their children and who is accountable for them. Family and household further extend support to the mothers as mothers alone cannot provide for all the needs of the children. It is the family and society which sets standards for what is good and bad for a child and a mother should be mindful of these differences if she wants to return to the society, a responsible human being. This paper supports the argument that receptors of drugs, while in their mother’s wombs, develop higher chances of becoming drug addicts when they come into their adolescence. In this regard, the paper provides explanation to how this happens highlighting the withdrawal symptom that these children experience, what specific drugs causes this impact over their lives and what is the after effects on their life. The paper also identifies which factors are responsible for pushing the teenage girls and women towards substance use and how can these women be saved from such a trauma. A comprehensive conclusion is provided at the end. Withdrawal symptoms Starting from the time since the baby is conceived in the mother’s womb, the baby is vulnerable to all the harmful things that the mother gets involved in, which may include taking drugs or consuming alcohol. As the baby is developing in the mother’s womb, the baby may get abused by the drug intake of mothers and hence may suffer from withdrawal symptoms when the mother cuts down on the quantity of drug consumed or when the fetus leaves the womb. This problem is also known as narcotics abstinence syndrome (NAS) and it basically explains the irritability, hyperactivity, and restlessness witnessed in newly born babies. These symptoms as provided by (Brownstein-Evans, 2) are: Difficulty with tone and movement: Infants facing this problem may have developed tight muscles and tremors and these problems can lead to difficulty in feeding, resulting in weight loss of the baby or in some cases, failure to survive. Difficulty in state regulation: Under this condition, infants face problem sustaining an alert state of mind which is essential to observe the ambiance, respond to care takers and demonstrate the need to be fed. They can also experience an issue transiting in different states like from wakefulness to sleep state and hence develop irritation associated with the lack of sleep. Difficulty in reacting to stimuli: Infants may demonstrate absurd reactions to different stimuli like touch, sound, movement. Their reaction may vary from being hyperactive to not responding at all or avoiding the stimuli altogether. Difficulty in autonomic nervous system control: If an infant develop a problem in its nervous systems than it will demonstrate an irregular functioning which may involve too frequent hiccupping, fast breathing and diarrhea/vomit. However, the withdrawal symptom exhibited in different babies may be different dependent upon the timing of exposure to the drug, the intensity or the dose. The timing of exposure is important as well because when the fetus is in 12th week than it’s highly vulnerable and so may get significantly affected by the drug in the blood. However, if the fetus is in its 37th week, than the effect will be minimal (Brownstein-Evans, 2). Also since the fetus doesn’t metabolize and can’t excrete compounds hence the level of drug in the fetus differs from the level in the mother. That is why the new born may demonstrate evidence of drug intake by the mother; even several days after the birth and the withdrawal symptoms may continue to show for months. There may have developed several ways to help the babies recover from the withdrawal symptoms but at the very heart of the cure, there should be immense attention that the baby should receive from the hospital staff. Medication that is used typically include morphine whereas the physicians may also recommend methadone or other soothing techniques (Beck, 1-3). Specific drugs According to (Chadwick, 2-3) Drug abuse is a practice seriously illegalized because almost all of the drugs have disastrous effects on the brain and the more they are use, the greater will be their damage over the nervous system. There are many drugs registered, that may cause harm to the fetus. These drugs may be categorized into prescription drugs, over- the-counter drugs, and illegal drugs. Alcohol, heroin and tobacco are some common drugs with well-documented effects. For example, Alcohol, when consumed in large quantity during the early stages of pregnancy can produce devastating effects over the fetus including birth defects and mental impairment. These problems will range from mild to moderate brain damage and will become apparent when the child is born with a disability or his mental capabilities are challenged at school. Another drug is heroine, which used late in pregnancy can boost up the severity of the withdrawal symptoms inflicting the baby after birth. There are many o ther drugs which may directly affect the fetus or may demonstrate their effects through the severe withdrawal symptoms inflicted upon the baby. These drugs may be cocaine, PCP or amphetamines. The effects of the substance abuse (Evans, 1) illustrates a scenario of the tumultuous life of a fetus trapped in its mother’s womb and unwillingly being subjected to high amounts of alcohol or other drug abuse. This scenario is in congruence to the life of passenger on a storm tossed ship without a rudder. The little fetus has to absorb the drug which will eventually be in higher quantity than the drug consumed by the mother and this drug will persist in the fetus’s bloodstream for a comparatively longer time. Hence the fetus will have to pay for sins which he didn’t commit. In most of the cases, the baby gets addicted to the drug and experience withdrawal at their birth. As (LaGasse et al, 64-72) summarizes the emotional instability in the following lines â€Å"An exposure is associated with increased emotional reactivity and anxious/depressed problems at both ages and externalizing and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder problems by age 5 years†. Furthermore (Olsen et al, 1-5) conte nd that the other defects which may accompany these babies for their entire life are the deformities like the facial deformity, the malfunctioning of the heart, mental retardation and other defects like low birth weight, coupled up with increased chances of infant mortality. The above mentioned were the effects which were personal to the baby. However, (Cornelius, Leech Goldschmidt, 45-52) further contend that the child may continue to witness neglect and physical abuse, if the mother continues her addiction to the drug. This may happen because mothers addicted to heroin would be too high to cater to services of the baby particularly during the night times and would not take appropriate care leaving the baby to its own self or to others. Fathers indulged in this behavior, experience zero level tolerance for normal stresses accompanied by a new born baby like waking up in the middle of the night and the repercussion of them being so aggressive is fatal abuse over the baby. Such mental disturbance cultivates a negative trait in the personality of the new born even if he weren’t affected earlier (Chadwick, 2-3). Another similar argument has been made by (Norris, 3) who highlights the study of Dr.Brook. Dr.Brook recognizes that the three influencing factors over the life of a baby are prenatal tobacco exposure, a physically abusive or stringent disciplinary style and a conflict behind mother and child. All these factors are solely responsible for disrupting the neuro physiological functioning of the fetus, which pushes the child in a tragedy of not being able to develop their brain functioning properly which will eventually cultivate into behavioral problems being exhibited by these kids such as mental illness, substance abuse or juvenile delinquency. In fact, a study by (Richardson et al, 37-46) reinstates the same findings that children exposed to prenatal methamphetamine exhibit behavior problems starting from the age 3 which is actually a cause of concern for the public. General Family Factors Leading to Addictions in Children and Adolescents There has been a network of factors behind the initiation and development of substance abuse among women and girls. As is anticipated, the initiation began after the substance was introduced by someone else who in most of the cases is by a boy friend or another male friend. (LaGasse et al, 64-72) has provided evidence for the notion that interaction, assistance and encouragement of other people is responsible for women engaging in substance abuse. They may get attracted to the offer made by the male partner in circumstances when the women may be suffering immense stress, heavy influence of the relationship or other psychological characteristics. Some women also report that they took on to the drugs because it kills their hunger and hence help them lose weight. Other studies have reported the parental impact over pushing the child towards development of drug addiction. Parents who have remained regular users of alcohols or illicit drugs are not able to monitor their kids properly and protect them from being subjected to physical or sexual abuse by other family members. (LaGasse et al, 64-72) also contends that throughout the history, many examples have been proposed in which a child particularly female when tormented by physical or sexual abuse may develop the habit of consuming drugs to relieve them of this pain. It is tragic to realize that leaving their kids in worst possible conditions, parents are either savoring their own lives or may remain unavailable to cater the needs of their children. Alarming reviews provided by (Minese et al, 2-44) have registered that there is a direct link between alcoholic parents and children getting addicted to alcohol and an indirect link to less parental supervision, stress and other forms of emotional volatility because when a parent has substance abuse disorder, the child sees this as an acceptable behavior. This is the reason why good parental support is like a shield against this behavior. (Richardson et al, 37-46) h ave contended that around 4500 women interviewed have proposed the statement that good parental and marriage is protective against the development of substance abuse in women. Even if a woman is indulged in bad behavior such as this, good partners can act as motivators for women to escape this condition in which immense trauma and risk is involved. Why do adolescents possibly end up being substance users involuntarily? As much as the prospect of babies developing drug addiction due to prenatal exposure is alarming, how do they develop this addiction is a question of utmost significance. (Tom, 1-2)has answered that fetus start producing inhibitory/repressive chemicals once they cross their second trimester. Until then the baby is highly vulnerable to whatever the mother intakes. The evidence of this is provided by (Richardson et al, 37-46) as he quotes â€Å"First trimester cocaine exposure significantly predicted earlier adolescent marijuana and alcohol initiation†. Also until then the mother has to provide for the necessary serotonin which the baby demands. If the mother is low on the supply, then the baby will suffer the repercussions of that lack of serotonin. This notion of the fetus being completely vulnerable before the second trimester explains that when the mother takes the tranquilizers or other pain killers, she is actually forcing the fetus to adapt to the input. These continuous doses adapt the fetus to drug abuse before the development of inhibitory chemicals to restraint its use and so when the baby is born, he/she is in demand for these products. However (Tom, 1-2)provides a different side of the argument claiming that the drug abuse may develop tolerance in the baby so that they are least aggravated by the depressive moods and the potential of committing suicide is also low amongst them. The only worst implication in the offspring of a mother who takes drugs would be the development of drug addictive behavior. the earlier proposition was made on the grounds that if mother was addicted to opiates or any other pain easing drug, then her baby will be capable of soothing the trauma is his life and hence would be capable of not becoming a suicide prone individual. In other words, when projected with feelings of hopelessness which can trigger the need to bring about an end to one’s life because it not only raised the hopelessness but also resonated the agony of the situation. In this circumstance the pregnant mother would resort to taking a drug to ease her pain which will also ease the suffering of the baby. Thus later on the baby will develop the habit of turning onto the drugs to ease the pain, a replication of the earlier event. The gravity of the issue can be determined by the statement proposed by (Beck, 1-3) that around 375,000 babies are born to drug addicted mothers every year and hence later in life these babies also develop the habit of injecting cocaine, heroin, methadone, amphetamines, PCP or marijuana because they can’t stand without its effects when they are vulnerable outside the womb. Another similar stance can be drawn from the article by (Munro, 35-47) which states that a large number of pregnant women in Canada are addicted to crystal meth, the evidence of which can be found after testing wisps of hair from days-old babies. The drug crossed the placenta and reached fetuses in the womb. Solution to the problem Given the devastating effects that drug addicted mothers impose upon their babies particularly the behavior of becoming addicted to the same drugs which the fetuses were exposed to while still in the womb, there is an immediate need to find out the resolution of this problem. (Nordberg Hellstrà ¶m, 289-293) has outlined some remedies which are a useful solution. First of all women with drug dependency should pursue drug abuse treatment, prenatal care and psychiatric treatment, from the time they conceive the baby so that can furnish their parenting skills. The medication usually provided in this circumstance is methadone or buprenorphine to help the women maintain their abstinence from illegal drug abuse. This problem also arises out of the lack of awareness of the repercussion of drug addiction of pregnant mothers hence the a major campaign should be undertaken to educate the people and spread the message far and wide about the risks of drug abuse in pregnancy. (Chadwick, 2-3) is of the view that this approach would require support from the government in providing funds for this campaign, and allowing it to run on the media. The government can also provide enhanced facilities for drug rehabilitation especially for young teens. Though this may cost a lot, but considerably lesser than the cost of all litigations against drug abuse. The benefits will be both at the individual level as the life of mother and the child will be protected and at the societal level for the society will no longer have to deal with these issues and will have responsible citizens directed towards their well being. According to (Turner, 5) the best treatment for mother on drugs is not to abstain from the drug usage immediately. Abstaining immediately is more harmful for the fetus and the mother always holds the potential of relapsing into this behavior later in their lives. Rather the doctors recommend that mother should sustain her usage of methadone or buprenorphine which controls their opium exposure and doesn’t pose any risk to the baby as well. This may reduce the withdrawal symptoms faced by the baby as well. The remaining symptoms can then be eliminated with the same drugs by which the mother was being treated. These drugs can be passed onto the infants through direct injection or through the mother’s milk while the mothers are nursing for their kids. Conclusion Based on the above discussion we can see that those women who have developed the habit of substance use hold a major risk for their unborn babies. This risk may demonstrate its dangers from the moment it enters the blood stream of the fetus for the fetus will cultivate a need for this drug due to which it may suffer withdrawal when the baby is born. The withdrawal itself is not a good sign because it can give rise to negative traits within the baby. Furthermore, more traumatic effects of this can be either mental or physical deformity. As the essay progressed, we identified that the factor for this substance abuse has largely been less parental support and supervision which can project the child towards isolation or physical abuse in the extreme case. Hence an educational campaign with the help of citizens and government is required to reduce such risk, educate the mothers and push them towards taking the remedial measures outlined above. Works Cited Beck, Joan. MOTHERS ON DRUGS THE UNBORN INFANTS HAVE NO CHOICE. Seattle Times: 1-3. Sep 09 1988. ProQuest.Web. 15 Nov. 2013. Brownstein-Evans, Carol. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Literary Devices Used By Edgar Allan Poe - 986 Words
In poetry, everything has a meaning. Poetic writers use many elements to signal the audience in whichever direction they wish to. They use these elements to get their messages across so the readers understand the poem in a much deeper stance. One great poet that uses such intricate writing in his poems is Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe uses several different literary devices in his major 1849 poem Annabel Lee. In his text he incorporates theme with imagery, symbolism, and form. These literary devices help lead the audience to the understanding of the overall meaning of the poem. Edgar Allan Poe s use of symbolism allows for the audience to understand how this gentleman feels about Annabel Lee. In the poem, the author uses symbolism when the narrator states, â€Å"For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee; And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee†(Poe 1849). By doing so, the narrator is using the moon and the stars as a symbol of the love he feels for Annabel Lee. The light of their existence is eternal as is the love this man felt for Annabel Lee. Tying into symbolism, the author uses the theme of love to get the message across that he loves Annabel dearly. He does this by using word repetition in his form of writing the poem. He repeats the words â€Å"love†and the name of his love, â€Å"Annabel Lee†along with the repetition of where this all took place, â€Å"in a kingdom by the sea†. He does this to getShow MoreRelatedLiterary Devices Used By Edgar Allan Poe1500 Words  | 6 PagesPoets use literary devices to turn their poems into a movie in the reader’s mind; to allow the reader to visualize the story unfolding before them, and maybe even have the reader feel like they are there in the story, witnessing the events firsthand. Edgar Allan Poe does a good job of using literary devices to absorb the reader into his stories, like in â€Å" The Raven.†Narrated by a man trying to fall asleep late at night when a raven begins to pester him, only answering his questions with, â€Å"nevermoreRead MoreEdgar Allan Poe Revlutionized Literature in the 19th Century665 Words  | 3 PagesEdgar Allan Poe revolutionized the literary world of the nineteenth century. Poe is a well-known author from the early 1800’s, who was part of the dark romanticism movement. While later in life he was a brilliant writer, Edgar Allan Poe faced many problems in his early life. Although Poe experienced death within his family at a young age, the hardships he encountered are thought to have influenced his dark writing style. These death inspired elements within Poe’s writing were ahead of their timeRead MoreEdgar Allen Poe and His Dark Stories673 Words  | 3 PagesEdgar Allen Poe, an amazing writer and poet, known for his dark themes and use of literary elements. Many individuals read his stories and poetry, but do not k now who Edgar Allen Poe is, aside from being a writer and poet. They also do not know why he wrote this way. The amount of time it took for him to be able to publish his first book or how sad he felt when his wife died, people do not know these things. These are the events that helped him become so determined and write so sorrowfully. Read MoreEdgar Allan Poe Was A Master Of The Literary Elements And1092 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe was a master of the literary elements and used them greatly in all of his works. In the story, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado,†Poe uses these literary devices to really grab the audience and keep them wanting more. 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He lost many of his loved onesRead MoreLiterary Analysis : The Raven By Edgar Allan Poe727 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"The raven†by Edgar Allan Poe Example: â€Å"Once upon a midnight dreary while I pondered weak and weary (1); rare and radiant maiden (11); And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain (notice the deft use of consonance as well) (13); Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, / Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before (19-20)†. Analysis : â€Å"The raven†is a poem written by Ellan Edgar Poe. The reason why using alliteration is importantRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe Essay1313 Words  | 6 PagesAnalyzing of Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe in this poem â€Å"Annabel Lee†written in 1849, and first published shortly after his death in Sartain’s Union Magazine, is a story of true love and great loss where a man loves a woman so deeply and is devastated when she dies but holds on to that love even after death. No one really knows whom exactly Poe wrote this poem about, whether or not it was actually inspired by someone he truly loved due to his death right after he wrote it. ThereRead MoreLiterary Art : Edgar Allan Poe1195 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe is one of the best writers of any generation; he has contributed many devices such as â€Å"ratiocination†to the literary world (Corneilus 6). Poe had and used his own writing methods and he had many rules and guidelines to follow when writing a short story or even a detective story. He used the tragic events of his childhood, and used that for â€Å"fuel†to create the plot lines in his stories. He used the dark and som ber events of his childhood and turned it into literary art to be rememberedRead MoreMood of Obsession in Berenice by Edgar Allan Poe968 Words  | 4 PagesMadelyn Fontenot English III Vara March 29, 2013 Mood of obsession: Use of literary devices to enhance the mood of â€Å"Berenice†Famous author and poet Edgar Allan Poe is well known for his writing of ill-minded scenarios and grotesque circumstances. Poe, one of America’s most ailing writers, made use of many different literary devices to develop his popular, eerie, and suspenseful mood. In â€Å"Berenice†(1835), Edgar Allan Poe creates a perturbed mood to uniquely describe love, life, and death through
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
William Shakespeare Essay Example For Students
William Shakespeare Essay ShakespeareIn the year of 1564 the man known as William Shakespeare was born, in Stratford-upon-Avon, England. The exact date of birth is unknown but is traditionally celebrated on the 23 of April. To Englanders this day is known as The Feast of St. George. The third-born of eight children to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden Shakespeare, William was their eldest son. John Shakespeare was a glove-maker and a tanner. Earlier in his life John had served a term as the mayor of Stratford, was a town councilman, one of Stratfords justices of peace, and an ale taster. John, unfortunately, could not write. In 1601, when William was 37 years old, John Shakespeare died. William inherited what small portions of land John had come to own in his lifetime, being the eldest of John and Marys sons. Very little is known about Mary Arden Shakespeares life. Although, she is known to have come from a wealthy family. Marys family also paid John a very gracious dowry. William Shakespeare went to an excellent grammar school in Stratford-upon-Avon. Two Oxford graduates were instructors there. Shakespeare was fortunate to get both of them as teachers. Their names were Simon Hunt and Thomas Jenkins. William Studied the languages of Greek and Latin. He had also acquired a razor sharp awareness of both mankind and nature. This is believed to be his last type of formal education. On the day November 27, 1582, when Shakespeare was a mere 18 years of age, he was wed to Anne Hathaway. She was 28 when they got married. Their first child was a girl by the name of Susanna, born May 26, 1583. Two years later William and Anne had twins named Judith and Hamnet. Tragically, Hamnet died at the age of 11. It is not known why he diedBetween the years of 1585 and 1592 there is no evidence of Shakespeares or the rest of his familys lives. The Hidden Years are what many call this time period in Shakespeares life. It is believed that he may have been running from the law or was the apprentice of a butcher. A man named John Aubry was told by another man by the name of Christopher Beston that Shakespeare was simply working as a school teacher in London up until 1592. Beginning in the year 1592, in London, he was starting to become known as an established playwright. In 1593 Henry Wriothsley became William Shakespeares patron and sponsor. Shakespeare was also a writer, director, actor, and stockholder in The Kings Men company. William was acting for this company, which became the worlds largest and most famous acting company only because Shakespeare was acting and working for them. Written in 1593 was Shakespeares first long poem, called Venus and Adonius. Then in 1594 William wrote his second long poem called Rape of Lucrece. These two poems were written when the theatres were closed because of the highly contagious epidemic plague. William Shakespeare began writing plays in the late 1590s. Writing The Taming of the Shrew, The Comedy of Errors, As You Like It, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Most of these plays were comedies. The only tragedy he wrote at that time was Romeo and Juliet. 1599 brought the construction of the Globe, which was built by Shakespeares company. The most well-known of his tragedies were performed there. The plays acted out were Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and King Lear. To be, or not to be-that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune (Hamlet in Hamlet) and But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the East, and Juliet is the sun. (Romeo in Romeo and Juliet) are two of Shakespeares most famous quotes. .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 , .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .postImageUrl , .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 , .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165:hover , .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165:visited , .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165:active { border:0!important; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165:active , .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165 .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5f72d165ceefdec99cbf79ef1b8c7165:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Big Foot EssayEver since William Shakespeare became a well-known playwright he had been a wealthy man, bringing in money from many different sources. With all the money in his possession he had decided to buy a big house in Stratford for his family. This house was called New Place. In the year of 1610 Shakespeare retired from theatre and returned to Stratford to be with his family. His will was written on March 25, 1616. Nearly one month later, on his 52 birthday, William Shakespeare died. He was buried at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford-upon-Avon. Like his son, Hamnet, Williams cause of death was unknown. Many friends and family believed that he knew that his life was coming to an end, but didnt want anybody to know. Seven years after Williams death, in 1623, he had his first folio published. It included 154 sonnets, 36 plays, and 2 two long poems. Friends of William Shakespeare put together his folio so that nobody could take his work as their own. BibliographyBIBLIOGRAPHY1. Torstenson,Casey. William Shakespeare. Internet 2. Shah, Ravi P.Life of Shakespeare. Internet,19973. Booth,Beth.Shakespeares Life. Internet4. Editors of the Grolier Universal Encyclopedia. Shakespeare, Stratford Press,Inc: New York,1966Shakespeare
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