Thursday, December 26, 2019
Differences Between Christianity And Islam - 2708 Words
Religious Differences in Marriage From the past to the present, society has valued the partnership between two people and a spiritual God and/or leader. The unique union/partnership, also known as marriage, has been and continues to be a practice among religions of all kinds. The one common trait that each religion shares is the spiritual agreement and commitment to promise one’s self to another person forever in sickness and in health. Although the basic idea of marriage is shared, many religions choose to practice the actual marriage itself quite differently. As a result, marriage practices may not be understood and practiced the same by various cultures and/or religions. As a world full of different religious practices, the beliefs/values associated with the sanctity and infidelity of marriage are extremely diverse. Specifically, what are the variances between marriage beliefs/values and the moral implications of infidelity between Christianity and Islam? Marriage Although marriage is something society learns at an early age, most countries consider marriage a legal and binding state in addition to the religious aspects practiced during the actual ceremony itself. Marriage has legal benefits such as insurance, health benefits, dual partnership and ownership among items, etc. However, the legal benefits are just a bonus compared to the spiritual nature of the meaning of marriage. From a religious perspective, what is general description of the word marriage? Marriage isShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Christianity And Islam Essay1484 Words  | 6 PagesIn this paper, the author analyzes the similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam and how to apply this learning to optimize the health outcomes of patients whose belief systems differ from that of the health care provider. The worldviews of both religions are researched, generating a comparison of their different belief systems. It is confirmed that critical components of religion such as prayer, scripture reading, connection to spirituality and meditation can be used as religiousRead MoreDifferences Between Islam And Christianity944 Words  | 4 Pages# 01 Religion 101 Islam and Christianity are wide spread religions in the world. Contrast based on five pillars of Islam and Christianity rituals. In this paper I will explain their differences and similarities based on Prothero and Paden, using paradigms â€Å"rituals†. The concept of rituals are more important in understanding religion. Prothero admits that Christianity is the great religion in the world this is not mean that Islam is not popular religion in fact he compare Islam with fast growing religionRead MoreDifferences Between Islam And Christianity871 Words  | 4 Pages1. The question of Origin. i. Of the many ways in which Islam and Christianity differ, answering the question of origin remains primarily the same as it does amongst all three of the monotheistic religions (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) wherein a single infinite God created the heavens and earth. ii. Though there is considerable contrast between how Islam and Christianity present the creation story both the Bible and the Qur’an textually agree all was created in six days (Qur’an 10:3; GenesisRead MoreDifferences Between Christianity And Islam1152 Words  | 5 PagesCommonalities, Differences, and Consequences Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are among the best known and most widely practiced religions today, and have had enormous cultural, ideological, and historical impact on the peoples of every continent. Arguably more so than any other ideological systems, Abrahamic religion has been among the most influential forces in human history. The shared elements of their traditions have allowed them to develop in part through a multi-faceted dialogue with eachRead MoreDifferences Between Islam And Christianity941 Words  | 4 PagesTwo religions may share some common terminology and theology. Islam and Christianity are both different in their own way. Islam represents an oriented religion with Christianity faith is based on the shed of blood of Christ. Religious traditions also embrace the idea of human dignity in the biblical idea of the creation of all human beings in the image of God. Mohammed founded Islam in 610 A.D, were people worshipping multiple God’s. During, a time of pol ytheism Mohammed had a vision; being perceivedRead MoreDifferences Between Christianity And Islam1838 Words  | 8 PagesChristianity and Islam are the two religions with great similarities of concepts while minute differences within both religions. Christianity having being a religion since last 2000 years obviously was a religion that dwelled as a â€Å"Soft Monotheism†meaning the concept of Trinity: presence of three personalities within one personality of God. While, it’s existence was related to the â€Å"Hard Monotheism†: only one God in the form of Judaism. Similarly having borrowed from both the religions, Islam inRead MoreThe Differences Between Christianity And Islam Essay1937 Words  | 8 Pagesinterested in knowing more about the Christianity and Islam religion-the largest religions in the word, both having similarities and differences between them. In this letter I will be presenting their key beliefs and practices, and also I will be explai ning the significance of salvation for these two religions. Islam religion was established by Muhammad in the seventh century, and its believers are called Muslims . They follow the Islam practices - the Five Pillars of Islam, and the Quran - the word of GodRead MoreDifferences Between Christianity And Islam2108 Words  | 9 PagesBeing religious carries many aspects within a being that are expressed through internal and external practices reflecting teachings and beliefs of a religion. Both Catholicism and Islam have a large number of people of the faith and thus both religious practices are witnessed almost everywhere expressing their morals and values. These especially include the formal rituals carried out on sacred times for each religion, the presence of places of worship; Churches and Mosques and actions of such religiousRead MoreDifferences Between Christianity And Islam1444 Words  | 6 Pages Although our world is filled with diverse religious backgrounds, â€Å"humanity forms but one community†(â€Å"Nostra Aetate†). There is an indisputable bond between humans, regardless of the beliefs they hold. Christianity and Islam are two religious traditions dominating the world, accounting for over 55% of the population (â€Å"Common Word†). While they greatly differ, the two have undeniable similarities that offer a common ground for the two traditions to unite. It is necessary for these two traditionsRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Christianity And Islam744 Words  | 3 PagesOne of the main differences between Christianity and Islam is the relationship with both religions and Jesus Christ. The teachings of each religion follow the ideology of said religion. The way the Qur’an and the Bible address the topic of Jesus Christ is complex as there are many similarities, yet there is a significant difference that causes conflict between the two religions. The question of was Jesus Christ the son of God is what often causes conflict between the religions. Some say that the
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
History of Colloidal Mills Essay - 967 Words
COLLOIDAL MILL Colloid mill is a machine that is used to reduce the particle size of a solid. It is mainly reduces the solids which are present n the suspensions or emulsions or the reduction the droplet size in the suspensions. It is almost used for the all types of materials for the reduction. Collidal mills HISTORY The Rolls Royce of Mixers the high shear colloidal mixer as used by Team Mixing Technologies, is the leading colloidal mixer in the industry by most grouting experts world-wide. High-shear colloidal mixers are internationally recognized as the most efficient method of mixing cement-based grouts and other materials. Colloidal mixing results in very stable mixes which resist bleed and water contamination. The invention†¦show more content†¦Rotors and the stator may be smooth surfaced or rough surface. With the rotor and the stator there is a thin uniform film of material between them and it is subjected to the maximum amount of shear. Rough surfaced mill add intense eddy current, turbulence and the impaction of the particles to the shearing action. Principle Colloidal mill works on the principle of rotor-stator. The size reduction is affected due to shearing, when the material is passed between the narrow gap of milling surfaces of rotor and stator. A rotor turns at high speeds of 3000 – 20000rpm. The high levels of hydraulic shear applied to the process liquid disrupt structures in the fluid. Colloid mills are frequently used to increase the stability of suspensions, emulsions and can also be used to reduce the particle size of solids in suspensions. Higher shear rates leads to smaller droplets of 1 micron. Based on a rotor rotating at high speed and very close to a conical stator, the particle size is done by modifying the gap between the rotor and the stator. Working The material is placed into the mill though the inlet hopper. It is then passed through the narrow gap between the rotor and stator and thus reduced the fine particle size. A colloid mill is a hydraulic shear producing device. The colloid mill works to reduce the size of the suspended droplets, creating a mixture within the liquids that is much more uniform and complete. The mill allows the solid particles toShow MoreRelatedEvolution Of Nanoscale Science And Technology5337 Words  | 22 Pagesa bad effect on the economy or natural systems . that leads to use rules about the using nanotechnology . [15] [17]. 1.10 Nanoparticle In fact nanoparticles are mostly considered a discovery of recent science, they actually have a long and big history. Nanoparticles in the 9th century were used by artisans as far back as Mesopotamia To create a glamorous colors. Even these days, pottery Observed from the Middle Ages and Renaissance predominatingly keep a distinguished like gold or copper coloredRead MoreFeasibility Study Report on Sugar Cane Juice3229 Words  | 13 PagesPages | 1. Project background and history | | 2. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis (SWOT) | | 3. Market and Demand Analysis | | 4. Technical Analysis | | 5. Financial and Economic Evaluation | | 6. Drinks based on sugarcane juice | | 7. Social Cost Benefit Analysis | | 8. Be Extremely Careful for Sugarcane Juice taking from open place: | | 9. Conclusion | | 1. Project background and history Making hygienic and fresh bottled
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Critical Race Theory Essay Example For Students
Critical Race Theory Essay Critical race theory was the predecessor of the civil rights movement. They both came as intellectual ways of resistance of cruel affairs. Although they have the same principles, Critical Race Theory has evolved entirely on its own. Since its origination many organizations have adopted this theory such as banks, hospitals, and most businesss. Critical race theory came to be during the 1980s over the failure of traditional civil rights. Originally started as just a subject in a law class, this theory grew steadily throughout the years to one of the largest movements today. Since the creation of Critical Race Theory, it has had a large impact in the legal field, but now is extended into such areas such as education and even women studies. Critical Race Theory is grounded in the reality of the lived experience of racism which has singled out, with wide agreement among whites, African Americans and others. Critical Race Theory therefore embraces this prejudice of perception and openly acknowledges the perceptions of truth and even fairness. Its about time we came up with some type of theory for this. Aristotle would have been happy. In contrast, traditional legal definitions claim neutrality and colorblindness as the basis for the beliefs of equal opportunity and meritocracy. Critical Race Theory challenges those claims, noting the way objective facts are used to promote the interests of the majority.Critical Race Theory is deeply dissatisfied with traditional civil rights lawsuits. Having watched the reaction against the gains of the 1960s by increasingly traditional courts, Critical Race Theory scholars have lost faith in traditional legal remedies. Progress in employment and contracting laws designed to end discrimination has been stalled as courts promote popular preferences at the expense of minority interests. Although I did do some intense research for just this two page paper, I feel that I want to learn more. This is a movement that will better our society as a whole. If I can take on thing from this class, it is that great philosophers do their job correctly if they have done one thing, which is make you think. Critical Race Theory does just that!
Monday, December 2, 2019
Six Quick Tips for Better Conversion Rates Direct Mail Marketing Emails - The Writers For Hire
SIX QUICK TIPS FOR BETTER CONVERSION RATES: DIRECT MAIL AND MARKETING EMAILS Unsolicited marketing materials – direct mail and sales emails targeting new customers – generally have low conversion rates. Your artfully crafted letters may end up in the trash unopened, andyour emails might go ignored for weeks. Image via Wikipedia Before shelling out money on postage or spending time on an email to drum up new business, consider the following tips to increase your conversion rates. Keep it simple. State your business and what you’re offering in the first paragraph or first few lines – that might be all the time you have to get the reader’s attention. Save the details for later in your email. Use a P.S. line. Reader’s eyes are naturally drawn to the â€Å"P.S.†at the bottom of direct mail letters. Use that line strategically to include new information about your product or service; use it to tell them that you’ll call to follow up; or use it to introduce an offer, i.e. â€Å"Mention this letter for 10% off service!†Bulk it up. If you’re sending direct mail, consider enclosing any additional marketing brochures and a couple of business cards. Add a coupon or special to your letter. But only if it’s appropriate to your industry. Coupons and limited-time offers add a sense of urgency, so readers may react quicker (e.g. Half off Cut and Blow Dry for the month of July). Some customers may switch to your services for the cost savings, and then stick with you if they like you. Follow up by phone. Again, this may only apply to certain industries. If you’re serious about connecting with untapped customers, tell them you’ll give them a call in your letter of introduction †¦ and then, make sure you call! Expect to keep sending letters and emails – especially if you don’t follow up by phone later. Space out your subsequent letters every month or two. Sometimes it may take a few times for people to see your name before they pick up and call you or buy your service. Also, people might not always need your service immediately, so they’re likely to toss your letter or email a few times before they need it. Take heart and realize that it’s going to take some patience and perseverance. And when you do send out second, third, and fourth email or letter, be sure to change it up. No one wants to see the same letter over and over again. Don’t be discouraged by traditionally low conversion rates – the people are Brandwise say that most direct mail campaigns have a 1% conversion rate (they have a cool Direct Mail ROI Calculator that may be useful), and Constant Contact reports that email open rates can vary widely – anywhere from 15-50%, with click-throughs averaging about 4% of those emails that are opened. Of course, those are just statistics based on a wide range of variables. Use these tips to help maximize your conversions and let us know if you have any questions!
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Filipino Politician and President Rodrigo Duterte
Filipino Politician and President Rodrigo Duterte Roderigo Roa Duterte (born March 28, 1945) is a Filipino politician, and the 16th president of the Philippines, elected by a landslide on May 9, 2016. Fast Facts: Rodrigo Roa Duterte Also Known As: Digong, RodyBorn: March 28, 1945, Maasin, PhilippinesParents: Vicente and Soledad Rao DuterteEducation: Law degree Lyceum of the Philippines UniversityExperience: Mayor of Davao City, 1988–2016; President of the Phillippines 2016–present.Spouse: Elizabeth Zimmerman (wife, 1973–2000), Cielito Honeylet Avanceà ±a (partner, mid-1990s to present) Children: 4Famous Quote: Forget the laws on human rights. If I make it to the presidential palace, I will do just what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, hold-up men and do-nothings, you better go out. Because Id kill you. Ill dump all of you into Manila Bay, and fatten all the fish there. Early Life Rodrigo Roa Duterte (also known as Digong and Rody) was born in the town of Maasin, in Southern Leyte, the eldest son of local politician Vicente Duterte (1911–1968), and Soledad Roa (1916–2012), a teacher and activist. He and two sisters (Jocellyn and Eleanor) and two brothers (Benjamin and Emmanuel) moved to Davao City when their father was made the governor of the now-defunct Davao province. Education He attended high school at the Ateneo de Davao, where he has said he was a victim of sexual abuse by Rev. Mark Falvey, an American Jesuit priest who died in California in 1975- in 2007, nine of his American victims were paid $16 million by the Jesuit church for Falveys abuse. Duterte was expelled from school for retaliating against another priest by filling a squirt gun with ink and spraying the priests white cassock. He skipped classes and has told audiences that it took him seven years to finish high school. According to his own report, Duterte and his siblings were frequently beaten by his parents. He began carrying a gun at the age of 15. Despite the hardships and chaos of his younger life, Duterte studied political science at the Lyceum of the Philippines University, obtaining a law degree in 1968. Marriage and Family In 1973, Duterte eloped with Elizabeth Zimmerman, a former flight attendant. They have three children Paolo, Sara, and Sebastian. That marriage was annulled in 2000. He met Cielito Honeylet Avanceà ±a in the mid-1990s, and he considers her his second wife, although they have not married. They have one daughter, Veronica. Duterte has no official first lady but said during his presidential campaign that he had two wives and two girlfriends. Political Career After graduation, Duterte practiced law in Davao City, and eventually became a prosecutor. In the mid-1980s, his mother Soledad was a leader in the Yellow Friday Movement against the Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos. After Corazon Aquino became the Philippine leader, she offered Soledad the post of vice-mayor of Davao City. Soledad asked that Rodrigo be given the position instead. In 1988, Rodrigo Duterte ran for Mayor of Davao City and won, eventually serving seven terms over 22 years. Death Squads When Duterte took over the mayorship of Davao, the city was war-torn, the result of the Philippine Revolution leading to the ouster of Marcos. Duterte established tax breaks and pro-business policies, but at the same time, he founded his first death squad in Davao City in 1988. A small group of police officers and others were selected to hunt down and kill criminals; the membership eventually grew to 500. One of the men who has admitted to being on the squad reported that there were at least 1,400 or more people killed, with their bodies dumped in the sea, the river, or a different city. The man said he received 6,000 pesos for each of the fifty people he personally killed. A second man said he received orders from Duterte to kill at least 200 people, including political rivals, one of whom was journalist and outspoken critic, Jun Pala, in 2009. Presidential Election On May 9, 2016, Duterte won the Philippine presidential election with 39 percent of the popular vote, far outweighing the four other candidates. During his campaign, he repeatedly promised to bring the practice of extrajudicial killing of drug users and other criminals to the country as a whole, and he has fulfilled that promise. Social workers and police round up minors at night during curfew on June 8, 2016 in Manila, Philippines. Dondi Tawatao / Getty Images According to the Philippine National Police, from the time he assumed office on June 20, 2016, to January 2017, at least 7,000 Filipinos were killed: 4,000 of them were killed by police and 3,000 by self-described vigilantes. Legacy Human rights groups such as Human Rights Watch and others such as the International Criminal Court, the former U.S. President Barack Obama, and Pope Francis have been vocal in their criticism of Dutertes death squads of suspected drug users and pushers and other criminals. As a result, Duterte has lashed out at those critics, in what are vulgar and racist terms. However, according to a recent biography by British journalist Jonathan Miller, his supporters call him Duterte Harry (a play on the Clint Eastwood character in the Dirty Harry movies). He currently has at least the tacit support of China and Russia. In general but not entirely, Duterte is popular in the Philippines. Political journalists and academicians such as American political scientist Alfred McCoy consider Duterte a populist strongman, who like Marcos before him offers a promise of justice and stability, and one who is clearly not subject to the West, in particular, the United States. Sources President Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Ed. Bio, Presidents. Washington DC: Embassy of the Philippines, 2018. Print.Casteix, Joelle. Philippines CA- Ex L.A. priest molested presidential candidate. SNAP Network, December 8, 2015. Web.Lamb, Kate. Rodrigo Duterte: The President Warlord of the Philippines. The Guardian Nov. 11, 2017. Print.McCoy, Alfred W. Global Populism: A Lineage of Filipino Strongmen from Quezon to Marcos and Duterte. Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies 32.1–2 (2017): 7–54. Print.McGurk, Rod. Biographer: Animosity toward Us Drives Duterte. Philadelphia Star June 2, 2018. Print.Miller, Jonathan. Rodrigo Duterte: Fire and Fury in the Philippines. London: Scribe Publications, 2018. Print.Paddock, Richard C. Becoming Duterte: The Making of a Philippine Strongman. The New York Times March 21, 2017. Print.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Business Ethics Example
Business Ethics Example Business Ethics – Case Study Example Business Ethics Mary’s case is a complicated dilemma. Arguably, one of the evident aspects, in this case, is a case ofsexual harassment. Mary has a number of ethical dilemmas. Primarily, her main problem is the fact that she needs the corporate support for the blood drive as she is passionate about the mission. She is not quite sure if she should forward Joe for his unlawful conduct or whether she should. In normal cases, Joe would be at a great disadvantage and could face a court sentencing for fondling Peggy’s breast. However, in this case, the corporation might withdraw its support since its representative has been incriminated in the process. However, another possible situation is whereby Mary reports the case to the corporate managers and gets their support, hence allowing the program to continue while Joe faces legal action. Primarily, Mary has two options to undertake. First, Mary needs to understand the level of corporate tolerance of sexual harassment cases in the past to determine if it is safe to report Joe to the top management or if it is not. After understanding the tolerance levels within the organization, would make the dilemma uncomplicated, especially if the company has a strict sexual harassment policy. Secondly, the company might have high tolerance levels to such individuals. In such a case, Mary can tell Peggy all what is at stake, but consistently reminds her that whatever action she decides to take against Joe is up to her and that Mary will support her fully. In such an incidence, then Mary may lose the program if Peggy decides to press charges or retain it if she decides to overlook the issue for a greater purpose. It is then entirely up to the injured party to decide what legal action to take and in no way up to the managers (Boland 174). However, Mary needs to take proactive actions to prevent Joe from taking such measures such as requesting a different representative from the corporation. Work CitedBoland, Mary L. Sexu al Harassment in the Workplace. Naperville, Ill: Sphinx Pub, 2006. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Women and poverty Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Women and poverty - Research Paper Example The United Nations in its recent measurement of poverty levels in societies has defined poverty as a condition in which people live in less than one dollar in a day. Coulter (24) defined poverty as the nature in which certain individuals or groups of people in the society are deprived of resources and are denied opportunities to improve their lives. Poverty is the lack of basic needs by people such as food, clothing, and shelter. Poverty in women therefore, is the lack of the basic needs by women that are essential for them to live good lives. The lack of opportunities as well as women’s inability to live long, healthy and creative lives indicates that they face a poverty problem. They do not have the choice to live according to their own wish and standards since they cannot afford the necessities. Additionally, the lack of freedom and failure to live according to their desires takes away their dignity, making the society down look upon them. The biological and sociological pr ocesses that affect both men and women have varying effects on the two genders, affecting each one of them in their own unique way. While these differences positively affect men, women on the other hand are negatively affected. The gap even becomes bigger in areas with minimal legislations that focus on women development. Social structures and roles assigned to women and men by the society too affect their poverty levels. The cultural expectation of men to be the providers of their families makes the society give them more opportunities. Paper Outline 1. Feminization of poverty 2. Nature and extent of poverty in women 3. Causes of poverty among women (a) Wage gap between men and women (b) Low salaries among women (c) Lack of job opportunities for women (d) Inequality in distribution of resources (e) Social exclusion of women by the society (f) Lack of credit and loan facilities for women (g) Negative effects of credit (h) Traditional beliefs and practices (i) Poor farming methods (j ) Poor legislations 4. Conclusion and Recommendations In conclusion, poverty in women is real and women are suffering from lack of opportunities and enough income to sustain decent lifestyles. This has resulted to feminization of poverty, which is an association of women with poverty. The factors that contribute to the high poverty levels among women are both social and legislative related. High wage gaps between men and women, low salaries, lack of job opportunities, inequality in distribution of resources, social exclusion of women by the society, lack of credit and loan facilities for women, negative effects of credit, traditional beliefs and practices, poor farming methods for women, working in agriculture and poor legislations all contribute to the women’s poverty levels. Annotated bibliography Townson, Monica. A Report Card on Women and Poverty, The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 2000. Web. 29 May 2013 In the paper, â€Å"A Report Card on Women and Povertyâ⠂¬ , Townson gives a clear analysis of the different causal factors of escalated levels of poverty among Canadian women. Feminization of poverty as she points out is by its construction a societal and legislative concern. From her study, she explores the various contributing factors to the high poverty levels among women in the Canadian society. Townson believes that women have unjustly been associated with poverty, tracing the issue of women poverty to a historical point of view. This problem as she observes has been around the society for a long time. According to her, the biggest contributing factor to escalating poverty levels among women in Canada is the huge wage gap between me
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